Olaf cushion / Podusia z Olafem

Hello, so Gellert was given space quilt and Lujzi (his big sister) was given a cushion with Olaf. At one of the quilt shows I purchased the fabric as a scrap in two pieces, you would not believe how little fabric I had, I can hardly believe it’s worked! So on this one – hope Olaf will be a good and soothing character to rest a small tired head on! Zip is in the colour of his nose for fun and contrast.

Wiec, Gellert otrzymal patchwork a Lujzi (starszej siostrze) podarowalam podusie z Olafem. Na jednej z wystaw kupilam material dwa male kawaleczki … tak skape ze nie chce mi sie wierzyc ze udalo mi sie jakos wyczarowac poduche. Miejmy nadzieje ze Olaf bedzie wygodnym kompanem do zmeczonej glowki. Zamek … w kolorze Olafowego nosa, tak dla kontrastu i dla zabawy.

Welcome to the world Gellert / Witamy na swiecie Gellert

Welcome to this world Gellert, sweet baby boy, new family addition for my cousin K and her husband J.

This is yet another panel quilt of mine, which I really enjoyed making.

Panel bought on Ebay, backing fabric especially chosen for this quilt form: Oh Sew Crafty

What am I proud most of? It’s my 1st quilt in Hungarian! Real wow factors if you ask me. Hope you like it, hope it brings the family many happy memories, warmth and smiles.

Witaj na swiecie Gellert, slodziutki chlopczyku, nowy dodatek w rodzinie mojej kuzynki K i jej meza J.

To kolejny patchwork zrobiony z panelu, ktory robilo sie bardzo fajnie.

Panl kupiony na aukcji: ebay, material na tyl: Oh Sew Crafty.

Z czego jestem dumna? Moj pierwszy patchwork po wegiersku! Zdecydowanie ma “werwe”. Mam nadzieje ze sie Wam podoba no i mam rowniez nadzieje ze przyniesie rodzince duzo wspomnien, ciepla i usmiechu.

Memory quilt for baby Issac

I am extremely privileged to have been commissioned to work on a truly special and unique quilt. My very good friend Deborah sadly lost a dear friend Helen to cancer a few years back. Helen’s grandson Isaac was born earlier this year. While looking through some items Deborah stumbled on a shirt she had received from Helen many years ago. The idea was born to incorporate Helen’s shirt into a quilt for Isaac.

Deborah picked all corresponding fabric and all I had to do is give it shape, love was already present. And this is how a personalised quilt for Isaac was created. I don’t normally share progress pictures but I think it’s important to show how much work, effort, thought is put into each piece but that is also what I enjoy so much. Matching binding colour to overall finished piece made me do my own bias binding and it was worth it. Thank you Deborah for putting so much trust in me. This memory quilt was very well received and Isaac’s mummy will no doubt tell him about his special gran and Helen’s love will keep little Isaac cosy and warm. See you soon.

A bee cushion / Poduszka z pszczolka

Hello! 1st of April … in time for spring and life waking up to bless our gardens with colour. I am sharing a home made birthday present for a friend who loves bees. She was rather chuffed! I was rather pleased. As we are on the subject of bees … on my list is to be part of “bees awareness event” – dress up as one and tell people why it’s important to protect them … one day! See you soon.

Czesc! Juz pierwszy kwietnia, przyroda budzi sie do zycia by przyozdobic nasze ogrody kolorem. Dzis czas na domowej roboty poduszke z pszczolka dla milosniczki pszczol. Kolezanka zadowolona to i ja zadowolona. A skoro o pszczolkach mowa … zawsze mi sie marzylo zabrac udzial w happeningu na rzecz pszczol … przebrac sie i zamanifestowac jak wazne sa pszczolki … miejmy nadzieje ze kiedys bedzie okazja! Do zobaczyska!

Arabesque quilt / Arabesque patchwork

Arabesque! Yes, Arabesque is the name I gave to this fun quilt. Would you agree that while simple it is also bold with all the pink and the pretty ballerinas make it a charming and graceful make? It’s been my February fun outside of work hours. Stay well and let’s see what March brings … a few spring ideas in my head … for now though time to put my pointe shoes on and carry on sewing …. see you all soon!

Arabesque! Tak Arabesque, tak wlasnie nazwalam ten pelen zabawy patchwork. Mysle ze sie ze mna zgodzicie ze tak jak jest prosty caly ten roz robi wielkie wrazenie a baletnice dodaja mu uroku i dostojnosci. Tak spedzilam moje wieczory w lutym po pracy. Trzymajcie sie zdrowo, zobaczymy co przyniesie marzec … kilka pomyslow juz krzata sie po glowie … na razie jednak zakladam moje pointe baletki i szyje dalej … do zobaczenia wkrotce!

Crochet teddy blanket / Szydelkowy kocyk z miskiem


I am back and hope to make more regular posts on this blog in 2021. 2020 brought many challenges one of which was longer working hours, lack of commuting and as much as I did manage to have crafts in my daily life I probably was not as committed to add posts to this blog after many log days in front of a PC. Let’s hope it’s all going to work better in 2021.

1st finish of 2021: a baby blanket and comforter. Back in October last year while on holiday in Northumberland I bought King Cole pattern from this lovely Wool Shop in Alnwick. If you live close please visit regularly! I wasn’t sure if I was making the right thing venturing into a substantially serious endeavor. Today I am very pleased I have. A blanket and a a comforter toy finished and sent to a friend who had a baby boy called Max just before Xmas. I hope it will give comfort and warmth to the little one.

I am pleased with this project and happy that each bear has a very individual character. 🙂

Hope to see you all soon, stay well.


Wracam do mojego bloga i mam nadzieje ze bede tu zagladac czesciej niz to ostatnio mialo miejsce. 2020 przyniosl wiele trudow w tym praca z domu, brak podrozy ale i dluzsze godziny pracy. Moje robotki mialy miejsce ale chyba brakowalo mi sily wrzucic tu pare slow po calym dniu przy kompie. Mam nadzieje ze 2021 bedzie lepszy i bede tu czesciej.

1sza skonczona rzecz w 2021: zabaweczka i kocyk dla maluszka. Wzor King Cole kupilam na urlopie w Northumberland w pazdzierniku zeszlego roku w sklepie Woll Shop w Alnwick, bardzo polecam! Nie bylam pewna czy podolam tak zaawansowanemu zadaniu, ale dzis jesetem zadowolona ze wzor kupilam. Mam nadzieje ze kocyk bedzie mily i cieply dla Maxa, synka kolezanki ktorego rodzice przywitali tuz przed swietami.

Kazdy misiek ma swoj charaker nawet na kocyku! 🙂

Do uslyszenia wkrotce, trzymajcie sie zdrowo i cieplo.

Fun Aliens Quilt / Zabawny Paczwork z Kosmitami


Hope you are all doing ok wherever you are. Today I have a small fun qulit with aliens. Although a simple design I have managed to squeeze in a new thing while making this little beauty … and that is its bias binding to close it up. I used my Christmas gift Creative Grids ruler and it really made the job quite nice, especially that I was using a lot of scraps left over after cutting the quilt.  I think the edge finishes the overall quilt really well and the vibrant colours just lift it up. To match the alien theme the back of the quilt is full of stars on a night sky.

You may ask what I am going to do with this quilt… well …  I am going to donate this “hug made with love” to Linus Project. You can read about this wonderful organisation here. I hope this quilt brings a smile and comfort to someone little and their parents. See you next time. Stay well. 🙂



Mam nadzieje ze sie macie dobrze gdziekolwiek jetescie. Dzis wesoly paczwork z kosmitami. Wzor jest raczej prosty ale udalo mi sie wcisnac nowosc podczas pracy … i zrobilam brzeg z material ktory byl uzyty na srodku. Do wykonania skorzystalam z mojego prezentu gwiazdkowego linijki Creative Grids  i powiem szczerze ze znacznie bylo latwiej szczegolnie ze brzeg skladany byl ze skrawkow ktore zostaly mi po wykroju paczworka. Wydaje mi sie ze ten kolorowy brzeg doskonale wykancza caly wzor a zywe kolory swietnie ze soba graja. Aby nadac wszystkiemu calosc tyl jest wieczornym niebem wyscielanym gwiazdami.

Pewnie zapytacie co z tym paczworkiem zrobie. zostanie podarownay organizacji Linus Project, ktora rozdaje paczworki i kocyki dzieciom dotknietym powaznymi chorobami leczonymi szplitalnie. Mam nadzieje ze przyniesie usmiech i comfort jakies malej osobie i jej rodzicom. Do zobaczenia wkrotce. Trzymajcie sie. 🙂



Baby Mobile / Wiesidelko


2019 gave me a new skill I learnt basic crochet. 2020 gave me  a new skill I have learnt to follow patterns.  There is so much to be grateful for if we are prepared to look. March 2020 I decided to buy a pattern for an octopus. I have seen them online and read that some a made for prematurely born babies. I decided to go for King Cole pattern. I then decided to use relatively thin yarn. What came out was a mini octopus. This grew into two mini octopi. I then decided to be adventurous and try making a seahorse. This changed into two seahorses…. this became a baby mobile…. yes you have guess it …. we gifted it to Katie Marie.



2019 podarowal mi nowa umiejetnosc podstawy szydelkowania. 2020 podarowal mi nowa umiejetnosc zdolnosc czytania wzorow, jest sie czym cieszyc jesli tylko mamy ochote sie dobrze przyjrzec. Marzec 2020 kupilam wzor na osmiornice. Widzialam je w necie i czytalam ze sa robione dla dzieci urodzonych przedwczesnie. Zdecudowalam sie na ten wzor producenta King Cole. Wybralam cienka wloczke. Wyszla mini osmiorniczka…. zaraz zrobily sie dwie, potem konik morski, a nawet dwa … i juz wiesidelko dla dzieciatka gotowe. Zgadliscie podarowalismy je Katie Marie.





Noah’s Ark / Arka Noego

Hi Everyone,


Towards the end of April we were blessed with some happy family news, we welcomed our niece Katie Marie to our family. All went well in spite of very unusual and worrying times. Katie Marie lives in Ireland so I waited for this to arrive safely in Ireland before putting this post on here. For the 1st time I used soft mink fabric for the backing for a soft touchy-feely effect and it was nice to be sewing with. Hope you are all safe and well. Till next time 🙂



Koniec kwietnia przyniosl nam dobra nowine, powitalismy w rodzinie nasza nowa siostrzenice. Wszystko potoczylo sie pomyslnie pomimo niezwylkych i troskliwych dla wielu czasow. Katie Marie mieszka w Irlandii wiec musialam poczekac az patchwork dotrze do niej poczta jako niespodzianka zanim wrzuce dzisiejszy wpis. Po raz 1szy szylam z super mieciutka tkanina ktora tu nazywaja mink i szylo sie bardzo dobrze. Wszystkim zycze zdrowia bo dzis to chyba najwazniejsze. Do zobaczenia wkrotce. 🙂